Αρχική » Έρευνα » Δημοσιεύσεις


Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά

C Pagouni, F Pavloudakis, I Kapageridis, A Yiannakou, Transitional and Post-Mining Land Uses: A Global Review of Regulatory Frameworks, Decision-Making Criteria, and Methods, Land 13 (7), 1051.

Triantafyllou A., Andreadou S., Moussiopoulos N., Garas S., Kapageridis I., Tsegas G., Diamantopoulos Ch., Sachanidis Ch., Skordas I., Surface Mining in Western Macedonia, Greece: Fugitive Dust (PM10) Emissions and Dispersion, International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Special Issue on Advances in Continuous Surface Mining, Inderscience Publishers, 2019 Vol.10 No.2/3/4

Kapageridis, I., Apostolikas, A., Koundourellis, E., Application of Mine Planning Software to Resources Estimation of the Lava Lignite Deposit in Servia – Greece, International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, Special Issue on Advances in Continuous Surface Mining, Inderscience Publishers, 2019 Vol.10 No.2/3/4

Kapageridis, I., Iordanidis, A., A Comparative Study of Lignite Resources Estimation Based on 1D Drillhole Mineable Lignite Compositing of Uncorrelated Seams and 3D Mineable Lignite Aggregation of Correlated Seams, Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), 2019(11):937.

Kapageridis, I., Albanopoulos, C., Resource and Reserves Estimation of a Marble Quarry Using Quality Indicators, The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) Journal, 1/2018.

Kapageridis, I. Variable Lag Variography Using k-means Clustering, Special Issue on Statistical learning in geoscience modelling: novel algorithms and challenging case studies, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 85 Part B, December 2015, 49-63.

Kapageridis I., Triantafyllou, A. LavaNet-Neural network development environment in a general mine planning package. Computers & Geosciences 37(4):634-644.

Kapageridis I. Input Space Configuration Effects in Neural Network Based Grade Estimation. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 31, Issue 6, International Association for Mathematical Geology, Elsevier, pp. 704-717.

Εργασίες σε επιστημονικά συνέδρια

Kapageridis, I., Albanopoulos, C., Gialamas, E., (2024). Integration of Exploration and Production Data Towards an Improved Resource Model of a Marble Quarry, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (geoENV2024), Chania.

Patra, A., and Kapageridis, I., (2024). Integration of Big Data Analytics in Digital Twining of Mineral Deposits, Proceedings of the 36th Panhellenic & 2nd International Statistics Conference (2024), Kozani.

Gravalos, C., Lambrinidis, L., Kapageridis, I., (2024). Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in Underground Marble Quarries through Statistical Analysis of Geotechnical Data, Proceedings of the 36th Panhellenic & 2nd International Statistics Conference (2024), Kozani.

Kapageridis, I., Gialamas, E., Albanopoulos, C., Anastasiadis, G., (2024). Spatial Declustering of Exploration Data in Marble Resource Estimation from Irregular Drilling Patterns, Proceedings of the 36th Panhellenic & 2nd International Statistics Conference (2024), Kozani.

A Patra, K Pilalidis, F Pavloudakis, I Kapageridis, Face Mapping in Open Pit Mines—A New Approach, Materials Proceedings 15 (1), 6.

C Gravalos, L Lambrinidis, I Kapageridis, Risk analysis in underground marble quarries using geotechnical data from monitoring equipment, 2nd International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy – RawMat2023.

A Patra, I Kapageridis, A Asvesta, I Sinatkas, Framework for the Development of a Mineral Resource Digital Twin, 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Patras, October 2022.

Ioannis Kapageridis, Ioannis Sinatkas, Argyro Asvesta, Agni Patra, Machine Learning Based Systems Application to Mineral Resource Estimation and Compliance with Reporting Codes for Mineral Resources, International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy – RawMat2021, Athens, September 2021.

I Kapageridis, A Apostolikas, G Kamaris, Contact Profile Analysis of Resource Estimation Domains: A Case Study on a Laterite Nickel Deposit, Materials Proceedings 5 (1), 89.

A Triantafyllou, I Kapageridis, S Gkaras, F Pavloudakis, Development of Emission Factor Equations for Surface Mining Activities: The Case of the Stacker, Materials Proceedings 5 (1), 15.

I. Kapageridis, C. Albanopoulos, S. Sullivan, G. Buchanan, E. Gialamas, Application of Machine Learning to Resource Modelling of a Marble Quarry with DomainMCF, Materials Proceedings 5 (1), 12.

Kapageridis, I., Application of Variable Lag Variography on Directions Derived Using k-Means Clustering of Sample Pairs, in Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Athens, 2019.

Triantafyllou, A., Andreadou, M., Moussiopoulos, N., Garas, S., Kapageridis, I., Tsegas, G., Diamantopoulos, Ch., Sachanidis, Ch., Skordas, J., Surface Mining in Western Macedonia, Greece: PM10 Emissions and Dispersion, 14th International Symposium for Continuous Surface Mining, ISCSM2018, Thessaloniki, September 2018.

Mpinos, P., Kapageridis, I., Application of the Push-Relabel Algorithm to Lignite Surface Mine Optimisation, 14th International Symposium for Continuous Surface Mining, ISCSM2018, Thessaloniki, September 2018.

Kapageridis, I., Kerridge, A., Coloma, E., An Evolutionary Solution for Coal Reserves Modelling and Production Scheduling, 14th International Symposium for Continuous Surface Mining, ISCSM2018, Thessaloniki, September 2018.

Kapageridis, I, Apostolikas, A, Koundourellis, E., Use of Mine Planning Software in Mineral Resources and Reserves Estimation of the Lava Lignite Deposit in Servia – Greece, 14th International Symposium for Continuous Surface Mining, ISCSM2018, Thessaloniki, September 2018.

Kapageridis, I., Iordanidis, A., Why One Dimension is Not Enough – A Comparative Study of Lignite Resources Estimation Using Drillhole Mineable Lignite Compositing of Uncorrelated Seams and Mineable Lignite Compositing of Correlated Lignite Seams, 14th International Symposium for Continuous Surface Mining, ISCSM2018, Thessaloniki, September 2018.

Bregu, E., Tsouchlakis, D., Kapageridis, I., Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to Net Present Value Optimisation of Open Pit Mine Scheduling, 6th International Symposium and 28th National Conference on Operation Research “OR in the digital era – ICT challenges”, Thessaloniki June 2017.

Tsouchlakis, D., Bregu, E., Kapageridis, I., A Comparative Study of ΝPV Open Pit Schedule Optimisation Using Mixed Integer Programming and Evolutionary Algorithms, 2nd International Conference “Mining in Europe”, Aachen International Mining Symposia, Aachen, June 2017.

Kapageridis, I., Albanopoulos, C., Reserves Estimation of a Marble Quarry Using Quality Indicators, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, vol. L, 2016, Proceedings of the 14th Intern. Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2016.

Kapageridis, I., Koios, K., Ioannidis, N. Evaluation of Unfolding Techniques for Grade and Resource Estimation of Tectonically Deformed Deposits, 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry (SDIMI2013), Milos, Greece, 2013.

Kapageridis, I., Apostolikas, A., Pappas, S., and Zevgolis, I., Use of Mine Planning Software for the Evaluation of Resources and Reserves of a Sedimentary Nickel Deposit, 13th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Chania, 2013.

Kapageridis, I., Variable Lag Variography Using k-means Clustering, 34th International Geological Congress, Geoscience Information Super-Symposium, Mathematical Geosciences Symposium, Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Mathematical Geology, Brisbane, 2012.

Kapageridis, I., Kolovos, C., Modelling and Resource Estimation of a Thin-Layered Lignite Deposit. In: 34th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM 2009), Vancouver, 2009, pp. 95-103.

Kapageridis, I., LavaNet – a Neural Network Modelling Toolkit for Mine Planning and Environmental Modelling. In: 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology (AMIREG 2009), Technical University of Crete, Athens, 2009, pp. 200-205.

Kapageridis, I., Evagelopoulos, V., Triantafyllou, A., Prediction of PM10 Concentrations using a Modular Neural Network System and Integration with an Online Air Quality Management System. In: StatGIS 2009, Geoinformatics for Environmental Surveillance, Milos, 2009.

Kapageridis, I., Ioannidis, N., An Agent-Based System Framework for Dynamic Mine Scheduling. In: 5th International Symposium on High Performance Mining (Aachen International Mining Symposia – AIMS 2009), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, 2009.

Argyris, G., Kapageridis, I., Triantafyllou, A. 3D Terrain Modelling of the Amyntaio – Ptolemais Basin. In: 2nd International Workshop in Geoenvironment and Geotechnics (GEOENV 2008), Milos Island, Greece, 2008.

Kapageridis, I. Implementation of Reporting Code Guidelines for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Using a General Mine Planning Package. In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development Indicators in the Minerals Industry, Milos, 2007.

Pasiakos, G., Moutsika, D., Halari, A., and Kapageridis, I. Design and Visualisation of Underground Workings Using Information from Multiple Sources. In: 11th ACUUS Conference: Underground Space: Expanding the Frontiers, Associated Research Centers for Urban Underground Space, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 2007.

Kapageridis, I. Use of Tetrahedral Modelling for Variography and Grade Estimation of a Structurally Deformed Phosphate Deposit. In: 11th International Congress for Mathematical Geology (IAMG’06 – Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources), International Association for Mathematical Geology, Liege 2006.

Argiantopoulou, M., and Kapageridis, I. Multi-Agent Based Systems for Mine Planning and Simulation. In: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology (AMIREG 2006), Technical University Crete, Chania.

Exikis, A., and Kapageridis, I. Simulation of Air and Contaminant Flow in Underground Mine Ventilation Networks. In: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology (AMIREG 2006), Technical University Crete, Chania.

Kapageridis, I., and Chipras, D. Visual Impact Assessment of Seaside Quarrying Operations and Planned Restoration. In: 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology (AMIREG 2006), Technical University Crete, Chania.

Kapageridis, I. Mine Schedule Implementation Using a Multi-Agent Based System. In: 18th Hellenic Conference on Operations Research, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, Κοζάνη 2006.